Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Sinus Infection

Do you feel cold even if the temperature is not that low? Do you also experience discolored nasal drainage for prolonged period? That means there is a possibility that you may suffer from inflammation of the sinuses. It will not be a wise thing to do if you leave the condition untreated. You must contact a sinus specialist to identify the root cause of your suffering.

What is Sinusitis?

Hollow spaces in the bone of the nose connecting via small narrow channels are also known as sinuses. In this condition, many people notice inflammation in their sinuses if any bacteria or viruses infect them. The blockage also causes pus and mucus to fill in the nose and sinus cavities. According to the result, one in eight adults suffers from rhinosinusitis every year.

Different Types of Sinusitis

There are mainly two types of sinusitis problems - acute and chronic. If you experience symptoms for more than four weeks, then it can be acute sinusitis. But if the signs do not reduce and last for 12 weeks or more, then an ENT specialist may recognize it as chronic sinusitis. Keep in mind that these two types of sinusitis are not the same. There are few people who also suffer from sinusitis infection more than four times in 12 months, then the sinus specialist identifies it as recurrent acute sinusitis.

Common Sinus Infection Symptoms

  • Postnasal drip

  • Tooth discomfort or pain

  • Stuffy nose

  • Loss of sense of smell

  • Hearing loss

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Headache

  • Bad breath

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Fever

  • Fatigue

Causes of Acute Sinus Infections

A few types of allergens or pollutants may trigger acute sinusitis. As the viral infection damages the sinus lining cells, it causes inflammation and obstructs the nasal passage. As a result, the condition disrupts the normal processing of the nasal passageof removing bacteria.

There are a few specific bacteria such as Haemophilus influenza, Streptococcus pneumonia and Moraxella catarrhalis which cause acute sinusitis. These microorganisms are also responsible for chronic sinusitis. Many people take particular medications that can modify the immune system. These medications can also increase the risk of developing sinus infections.

Visit Your Doctor

A lot of people consider over-the-counter medications to reduce the symptoms without consulting ENT specialists. This practice is not good for your overall health. Consequently, whenever you experience such symptoms, don’t forget to contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC in Norman, OK.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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