Allergy Rhinitis Treatment Options You Ought To know

Allergy Rhinitis Treatment Options You Ought To know.jpg

Allergen is a harmful substance that mainly causes the allergic reactions. Hay fever is an allergic response to the specific allergens. Here, pollen is the common allergen in seasonal hay fever or allergic rhinitis.

A recent study claims, eight percent adults in USA experience allergic rhinitis. Another study states, 10-30% of the world-wide population also have the allergic rhinitis.

Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis

Having minor allergies only need a physical test. You can do the same tests at Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic. Although, doctors need to perform certain tests to figure out the best treatment. Generally, skin prick test is done to see what your body reacts. Small red bump appears to the skin if you are allergic to the substance.

On the other hand, a radioallergosorbent test can also be performed to measure immunoglobin amount. However, we will discuss about the treatment procedures in the following paragraphs.

Allergic rhinitis treatment

Allergic rhinitis can be treated in several ways. it includes medications, home remedies and alternative medicines. Visit your nearest allergy and asthma clinic before going through any treatment procedure.


Treat allergies with the aid of antihistamines. It will work by producing further histamine in your body. OTC antihistamines include-

  • Diphenhydramine

  • Fexofenadine

  • Loratadine

  • Levocetirizine

  • Cetirizine

Make sure you are consulting a doctor before started taking any of the medications.


Use decongestants for a short period. Don’t take it for more than three days. It will relieve stuffy nose and pressure of sinus. Most of the popular decongestants include-

  • Phenylephrine

  • Pseudoephedrine

  • Oxymetazoline

If you have any of the chronic issues like abnormal heart rhythm, heart disease, bladder issues, high blood pressure; do contact a doctor before using the decongestants.

Nasal spray & eye drops

Nasal sprays and eye drops will help to relieve the itchiness and the other symptoms. Like the decongestants, eye drops and nose drops will cause a rebound effect. However, corticosteroids will help to reduce inflammation and the other immune responses. You can use steroid nasal sprays to manage the allergy symptoms.

Book your appointment

At OKOA, you can share your issue with professional doctors. After an evolution, physician will advise you what medicine you should take. Rest assured, your symptoms will lessen once you start taking the medications. Good luck.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.