Things You Ought to Know About Hay Fever

Things You Ought to Know About Hay Fever.jpg

Allergic Rhinitis or hay fever is the common condition along with similar symptoms of a cold. You may be sneezing, followed by having a running nose and sinus pressure. It is caused by pollen, which is an airborne substance. According to a recent study, allergic rhinitis is the fifth common disease in the U.S.A.

Allergens are common substances that either react mildly or do not react with the immune system. Some people may need treatment as the symptoms get severe day by day.

Here, in this article, we will discuss the symptoms and the treatment of hay fever. Not only that, you will get to know some of the extra facts which you might not hear yet.

Let’s take a look at the following points.


Hay fever symptoms can start at different times of the year. It needs regular allergy testing to detect the symptoms at their earliest. However, pollen allergic persons may have severe symptoms during high pollen count.

It includes-

  • Itchy and watery eyes

  • Sneezing

  • Itchy throat

  • Running nose

  • Headache

  • Sweats

  • Facial pain due to blocked sinus

Furthermore, some people may even face tiredness along with irritability and insomnia. Besides, people having asthma could experience sneezing and breathlessness if they get affected by hay fever symptoms.


OTC or over-the-counter treatments help to manage hay fever. Consult a physician before starting the medication. Moreover, below are the list of medications-

  • Eye drops- Eye drops are effective for reducing itching and swelling. They can be used along with the other medications. It contains cromoglycate.

  • Oral corticosteroids- Prednisone tablets are quite effective for severe hay fever symptoms. Bear in mind they should be used for a short time only. Otherwise, it can lead to cataracts, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis.

  • Nasal corticosteroids- Inflammation is caused by hay fever. These sprays are effective to lessen the same by offering safe and effective treatment. Generally, a week is the turnaround time for starting the benefits.

  • Immunotherapy- Immunotherapy works by providing long-term relief. It desensitizes the immune system for the allergens. These allergens trigger the symptoms of hay fever. Generally, it is taken in the form of allergy shots or sublingual drops. Immunotherapy can lead to permanent remission of allergy symptoms. On top of that, it will prevent further asthma development and new allergies.

Visit OKOA today

Do your regular activities hampering by frequent sneezing and running nose? You may need allergy testing in order to diagnose if you have the symptoms of hay fever or not. At OKOA, ENT specialists are there to listen about your present condition. Our efficient physicians have already brought smiles to a handful number of patients in and around OKC. Write to us today, we are all ears.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.