Brain Fog: Is Sinusitis Responsible for This Condition?

Have you ever felt your head become heavy? Have you faced trouble concentrating during work? Have you ever questioned your doctor about why you feel confused and dizzy when your nose becomes stuffy? No, we guess and that's alright! In most cases, we ignore why these things are happening to us.

But we must know about it. This article gives you a clear insight into the connection between brain fog and sinusitis. If you notice such problems, contact a doctor for acute sinusitis treatment. Have a look.

What is Sinusitis?

We have several tissues in the sinus areas. When these tissues get inflamed, sinusitis occurs. After a while, the inflammation impacts the mucous membranes in the sinus cavities. "Sinusitis" is a term that indicates all the diseases or discomforts regarding sinuses.

Sinus cavities remain between the eyes and eyebrows, which filter the air you breathe. According to research, sinusitis is one of the most common diseases in the United States. Nearly 37 million people suffer from this problem yearly.

What Are the Common Acute Sinusitis Symptoms?

  • Eliminate the taste of smell and taste.

  • Experience nasal inflammation.

  • Notice swelling, pain and tenderness around the cheek, eyes, nose and forehead.

  • Have trouble breathing due to a stuffy nose.

  • Thick discharges from the nose.

You may also notice other signs, including headache, ear pain, sore throat, aching in the upper jaw, fatigue and bad breath. If you experience these problems, contact a doctor to get acute sinusitis treatment quickly.

Why Does Your Head Feel Foggy?

Brain fog indicates problems, including loss of short and long-term memory, failure to concentrate on work and multitasking. Also, other reasons are responsible for your confusing dizziness. They are as follows:

  • Not Getting Proper Oxygen

You may breathe through your mouth when you suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis. As a result, the air doesn’t get filtered correctly and you get insufficient oxygen. As a result, your brain couldn’t concentrate on work due to a lack of oxygen. To prevent this, you should focus on your breathing.

  • Inflammation

When the tissues in the sinus cavities get inflamed, your body has to work harder to get healed. That's why your brain doesn't work correctly and you feel dizzy. Take some time and rest; you will feel better and get your mental clarity back. Whenever you notice such problems, contact a specialist for acute sinusitis treatment.

  • Over the Counter Medications

When people experience these signs, they visit a doctor for acute sinusitis treatment. Doctors may give some medications which also contribute to dizziness. The patients also stay awake at night and experience issues concentrating on work. If you think that drugs are responsible for this situation, consult your doctor for getting alternatives.

When Should You See a Doctor?

You may try home remedies when you suffer from sinusitis for more than ten days. But, if nothing affects your situation at all, you should consult an ENT as soon as possible.

We Care for You — Inside and Out!

Many patients experience a runny nose and other symptoms throughout the year and they think it is sinusitis. That's not true at all. Remember that signs of allergies, colds and sinusitis are almost the same.

Only going to a sinusitis specialist may help you detect your problem's root cause. It may be contagious if you suffer from a viral infection. Contact us at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, to learn more about your issue.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.