Learn about the Perfect Time to Get Ear Tubes for Your Child

Ear tube surgery is one of the most widespread pediatric surgeries in America. Almost 5,00,000 children across the states avail of this surgery every year. They depend on it because it reduces the chances of chronic ear infections. And since ear infection is one of the most common diseases among toddlers, we recommend you take your child to surgery if the need arises. Learn what professional pediatric ENTs have to say about these ear tube surgeries. It will give you enough insights to find the best time to get the surgery.

Facts to Know about Ear Tubes

Ear tubes are hollow and cylindrical structures that get placed inside the eardrum. Mainly these tubes consist of metal or plastic. They create an opening in the ear canal that lets air flow into the middle ear. Along with that, the extra fluid build-ups behind the eardrum also come out of the opening.

How Do Pediatric ENTs Place Ear Tube?

The surgical process of placing an ear tube inside the eardrum is relatively straightforward. The professionals provide general anesthesia to keep your child comfortable during the operation. Afterward, the surgeon creates a tiny opening in the child’s eardrum and places the tube through that space.

In most cases, children don’t have to stay admitted to the hospital for long after the surgery. They are allowed to go home only a few hours after the surgery.

These Signs Call for Ear Tube Surgery

Below are some common signs that your child needs ear tube surgery from a pediatric ENT specialist. So, watch out for these indications and choose the perfect time for your child to get an ear tube.

  • Repetitive Infections

Things are severe if your child has experienced three or more ear infections in the past six months. Getting your child to your nearest pediatric ENT is vital to find the reasons for these infections. At this time, the ENT specialist usually prescribes ear tube surgery.

  • Fluid Build-Up

Fluid build-up is a common problem among children that ENT specialists can cure with an ear tube. With the opening in the eardrum, the extra fluid from behind the drum would flow out..

  • Problem with Ear Bones

If kids experience frequent ear infections, they may go through Atelectasis. In this case, the eardrum loses its firmness and collapses over the inner ear bones. According to pediatric ENT specialists, an ear tube is one of the appropriate treatment options that can help your child battle this condition.

Protect Your Child’s Hearing with an Ear Tube

If you find any of the signs mentioned earlier in your kids and believe they may need an ear tube, you need to find a pediatric ENT in OKC. Even though it sounds like a challenging job, things are much simpler in reality. By calling Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, you can find some of the best pediatric ENTs in Oklahoma. Call now to book your appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.