Can a Deviated Septum Cause Headache?
Do you get headaches or migraines on a regular basis? A deviated septum could be the source of your condition. While most people have some variance, more extreme differences can cause a number of health problems. Fixing the condition may make it easier for you to breathe and feel better. Many patients report that a septoplasty or nose septum surgery (surgical to fix a deviated septum) improves their quality of life and reduces headaches.
What Is a Deviated Septum and What Does It Mean?
The septum is the tissue wall that divides the two nostrils. Both nostrils should be absolutely symmetrical in theory, however this is not always the case. You have a deviated septum if the difference between the two is large. A deviated septum can occur naturally or as a result of an injury or trauma.
What Causes Headaches if You Have a Deviated Septum?
A deviated septum can result in a range of health issues, such as headaches and migraines. This could be due to a higher rate of sinus infections, the septum rubbing against sensitive nasal tissues, or other factors. According to studies, correcting the misalignment helps relieve headaches in a large percentage of individuals. After recovering from surgery, many septoplasty patients report feeling significantly better. As a result, their numerous chronic health issues are addressed or minimized.
When a Headache Is Caused by a Deviated Septum
Sinus infections have been shown to have a link between a deviated septum and migraines. When mucus becomes blocked, it can cause infections, discomfort, and headaches, which can cause tension and precipitate a migraine attack in certain people. It's crucial to note that the sinus infection is more of a stress trigger than a direct migraine trigger.
A septoplasty is a surgical technique that can be performed as an outpatient surgery to correct a deviated septum. A septoplasty can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients who suffer from chronic sinus infections, headaches, or snoring. This could also be true for people who suffer from chronic migraines, but only if the bulk of their attacks were caused by stress from sinus infections or a lack of sleep.
What Else Could a Deviated Septum Indicate?
The presence of headaches isn't the sole symptom of a possible deviated septum. You may have a deviation that has to be corrected if you have any of the following issues:
Having trouble breathing via one or both nostrils.
Pain in the face
Infections of the sinuses
Allergies are getting worse.
I believe I have a septum deviated. What am I supposed to do?
Call our offices to book a consultation if you suspect you have a deviated septum. We inspect your nose and give recommendations on the best course of treatment as one of the area's best nose septum surgery surgeons. We can tell you if you have a deviated septum, a nasal obstruction, or something else wrong with your nose. We help you choose the best course of therapy during your consultation so you can breathe better. Call and arrange your consultation now to feel your best at OKOA.
**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.