Narcolepsy: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

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Narcolepsy is considered a sleep disorder where people fall into excessive daytime sleepiness. There are different types of sleep disorders and Narcolepsy is one of them. No wonder Narcolepsy can impact your life if you leave it untreated.

People with this disorder have a strong desire for REM sleep. REM is the deepest stage of sleep and people with it can fall into REM sleep several times during the daytime. There are mainly two types of Narcolepsy - Narcolepsy with Cataplexy and Narcolepsy without Cataplexy that involves excessive daytime sleepiness. In case of Narcolepsy with Cataplexy, the levels of hypocretin become low and for Narcolepsy without Cataplexy, it involves daytime sleepiness. Since Sleep apnea and narcolepsy are sleep disorders, sleep apnea treatment can become a relatable option for Narcolepsy treatment too. But in that case there is a slight difference.


The main symptom of this disorder is excessive daytime sleepiness but there are other symptoms too that may include Cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis. Moreover it impacts the overall health of an individual.

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness is the primary symptom. People who have Narcolepsy fall into excessive daytime sleepiness during inappropriate times.

  • Hypnagogic hallucinations are often attached with REM sleep which is the deepest stage of sleep. When people with Narcolepsygo through REM sleep, they can experience frightening hallucinations.

  • Cataplexy is another symptom of Narcolepsy. Cataplexy is considered to be a sudden muscle weakness in the face, neck and knees. Although this weakness is temporary but can greatly affect us. The patients may feel surprised and angry.

  • Narcolepsy can often lead to sleep paralysis. In sleep paralysis, a person becomes unable to move and speak. This episode can last for a few seconds and after the episode is over, he can return to his normal state.

Causes of Narcolepsy

Although it's difficult to find out the exact causes of narcolepsy, there are many factors that can lead one to become a narcoleptic. In many cases, some genetic factors can increase the risk of Narcolepsy.

Hypocretin is what makes a person awake and asleep. If Hypocretin is found to be less than the normal limit, it can affect greatly. Lower levels of hypocretin can lead one to have excessive daytime sleepiness and nighttime sleepiness. Apart from it, a brain injury or other conditions affecting the brain can lead one to narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy treatment and sleep apnea treatment are almost the same. Despite being the same treatment, Sleep apnea is slightly different from Narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is actually a neurological disorder and sleep apnea occurs when there is a breathing problem during sleeping.


There is no cure for it. But it can be treated. With some changes in the lifestyle and medicinal help, some symptoms of narcolepsy can be treated.

  • Take regular naps.

  • Antidepressants are mood stabilizers, your doctor may prescribe it.

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol before sleep

  • A little relaxation before going to bed is always good for health.

  • Exercise every day.

Narcolepsy has no cure but it's possible to treat certain symptoms. That's why Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is a good option for you. We provide high quality health care services to our patients regardless of age. Contact us now or schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.