Posts in ENT
Keloids and Piercing: The Relationship between the Two

When you make a piercing for your earring, you may get keloids. But a skilled and experienced ENT doctor can quickly heal that and make you look fabulous.

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Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and its Effect on Hearing

Did you know that your ear problems could be stemming from a eustachian tube disorder? Learn more about ETDs, their types, and treatments in the blog below.

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Answering Your Questions About Septoplasty

Nose septum surgery also known as septoplasty is a procedure employed to correct a deviated septum. Answered below are some important questions regarding the surgery.

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A Detailed Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid

CSF of brain fluid can be dangerous if not treated the right way. See the detailed study here and book a schedule for nasal treatment.

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Pain While Swallowing? Know the Common Causes

Throat infection and injury can be major causes behind painful swallowing. Explore the other reasons here and consult an ENT.

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