Do You Know What Causes Itchy Ears And Throat?

Do You Know What Causes Itchy Ears And Throat.jpg

Itchy ears and scratchy throat are one of the common symptoms we experience. In this case, common causes may be cold and allergy, but there are many other causes too. These symptoms are not too serious. The sensation will decrease on its own over the course time. If the sensation lasts longer than a normal period of time, it's something serious. You must consult with an ENT doctor for a solution.

Since there are many important causes of itchy ears and throat, we will discuss them below:


  • Infection in the ears is a major cause of why people have itchy ears. Sometimes, due to the common cold, bacteria can infect your ears. As a result, you may experience itchy ears.

  • There are numerous instances when water gets trapped in the ears and creates infection inside. Excessive wax can block ears too. In this case, you may experience an itching sensation. You must see an ENT doctor in this case, as soon as possible.

Dryness of the Ears

It's important for your ears to have wax and oil on a measured level. Frequent clean-ups take the oil and wax away from the ears. In this situation, the inside of your ears is dried and creates an itching sensation. You can simply stop frequent clean-ups to get away from such an experience.

Common Cold Is the Reason for Scratchy Throat

The common cold makes your throat scratchy. It brings other symptoms along with a scratchy throat such as coughing and sneezing. You can simply use appropriate medication to get relief. Do not hurry as these issues are not serious. You can visit an ENT specialist if the issue lasts longer.

Allergies Are another Common Cause

People with hay fever are in danger when they come close in contact with pollen, dust and animal fur. The allergic reaction can cause an itching sensation in the throat and ears. Apart from itchy sensation, you may experience watery eyes, sneezing and headache. Taking over the counter medicine can provide some relief. If you feel the medicine is not working for your cause, you can make an appointment in an allergy clinic. If you are in OKC, you can simply contact an allergy clinic and discuss your issues with the specialists.

Some other causes are viral infection, food allergies and medication allergies. Whatever may be the cause, if you are unable to get relief, you should see an ENT specialist.

If you are looking for an ENT specialist, Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is the best option for you. We take special care of your disease relating to ears, nose and throat. Call us to schedule your first appointment with one of our ENT specialists.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.