Know the Details of Sinusitis to Choose the Right Treatment

Know the Details of Sinusitis to Choose the Right Treatment.jpg

Do you feel like a never ending cold? It may be an infection with the sinus. Sinusitis infections involve inflammation of the sinus tissue, which is medically called sinusitis. Every year approximately 35 million Americans are diagnosed with a sinus infection so it is safe to say that it is a pretty common condition. Sinus specialists have discussed 4 widely-known ways:

Acute sinus

Cold symptoms start and take 2-4 weeks.

Underlying sinusitis

4-12 weeks of ongoing cold-like symptoms.

Sinusitis chronic

This involves persistent cold symptoms with nasal impairment, nasal pus, or discolored drainage. It's over 12 weeks long.

Sinusitis Recurrence

A sinus infection occurring multiple times a year.

Signs that a sinus infection may occur

Symptoms of sinusitis are similar to the symptoms of colds and allergies and are therefore often discarded first. Sinus symptoms include:

  • Nose runny

  • Bad respiration

  • Drip postnasal

  • Rashes on face

  • Sine region pressure

  • Headache

  • Blocked nose

  • Irritation of the threat

  • Smell loss

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

Untreated sinus infection in rare cases can result in more severe symptoms and conditions such as:

  • Bone infection

  • Cellulite orbit Meningitis

  • A Brain abscess

Acute sinusitis treatment is needed to get rid of these situations.

Causes of Sinus

Now germs have a breeding ground to grow when fluid grows up in their sinus cavities. This causes a sinus infection essentially. However, it is possible to do so by certain risk factors. The conditions below can lead to sinus obstruction:

  • Infections of viruses (such as colds)

  • Bacterial diseases

  • Infections of fungi

  • Allergies

  • Problems in structure (Such as nasal polyps or a deviated septum)

  • Smoking

  • Immune defects that prevent infection in your body

Treatment options for sinus infection

Visit your primary care doctor or sinus doctor for diagnosis before your sinusitis is self-treated. They determine the cause and help you find relief from your sinus infection. • Over-the-counter headache, sore throats and face pain can be included. Treatment may involve:

  • Much relaxing and facilitating breathing decongestants and expectorants

  • Sprays nasal to clear nasal passes and nasal irrigation kits

  • Bacterial infection antibiotics

  • Rare fungal infection antifungals

  • More stubborn steroids

Prevention is nevertheless the best medicine. These things can be practiced to prevent total sinusitis: Wash your hands and stay away from diseased people to prevent infectious diseases

  • Continue using vaccine such as influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

  • To improve air quality, use a clean humidifier and air purifier

  • Take allergy medicines during seasons of allergy

Get relief by scheduling an appointment with OKOA

When the sniffle doesn't end, the time is right to meet the sinus specialists of OKOA. We are prepared to deal with your sinusitis, equipped with an arsenal of knowledge, treatment plans, and medical devices. We understand that medicine is not a one-to-one approach and therefore we take a custom approach that is holistic. Our acute sinusitis treatment are tailored for your specific needs ranging from non-invasive to surgical. Sinus infections can lead, if they are left untreated, to more serious medical complications.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.