Everything about Nasal Endoscopy: Otolaryngologists Talk

A nasal endoscopy sounds scary. No matter how many times we had a nurse poke our nasal canals for an RT PCR test in the last couple of years.

Otolaryngologists assure you, it's not as scary as it sounds.

Here, learning about the process might help calm your frayed nerves.

What is Nasal Endoscopy?

Endoscopy requires a tiny, thin tube with a camera at the end to be inserted in your body. The process is minimally invasive. It is used to observe the internal organs of the body.

Nasal endoscopy, also known as Rhinoscopy sometimes, is carried out to investigate your nasal passage and sinuses. Otolaryngologists use the camera at the end of the thin fiber optic tube to capture images from inside your body. These images help in diagnosing sinonasal disorders. Sometimes, instead of a camera, the ENT physician will attach a tiny tool to collect tissue samples.

Do You Need A Nasal Endoscopy?

It might be worth going to an ENT doctor and get a nasal endoscopy done if you are facing any of the following issues -

  • Headaches

  • Facial pain or pressure

  • Frequent nosebleeds

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Decreased sense of smell

Does Nasal Endoscopy hurt?

ENT doctors could call it 'minimally invasive' all they want, but is it really as pain-free? Patients say yes. It is a relatively low risk procedure although there are a few counts of bleeding and mucosal trauma.

Your physician will always verify if you have any allergies, but if you're having a really bad day, you might have an allergic reaction to the anesthetic or topical decongestant administered before the procedure.

Sometimes, it is also suggested to stop taking certain blood thinning medicines before the procedure.

In a few cases where the nasal cavity of the patient is too narrow or too swollen, doctors might resort to using a pediatric endoscope.

How Long Does Nasal Endoscopy Take?

Ideally, an endoscopy should take 1-2 minutes. Local anesthetic numbs your nose which stops you from sneezing during the procedure.

Nasal Endoscopy from Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC

Oklahoma City's finest physicians have come together to offer the best ENT care. Treatment plans created to meet your requirements and dedicated attention to every detail.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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