Why Do You Wake Up With a Sore Throat in the Winter?

We may not forget one of the most popular lines till now and that is - “winter is coming”. It is not only the fearful factor for Starks, Lannisters, Targaryen and Baratheon but also true for those of us who are suffering the most in this season every year. It is a circle of suffering that will return to us every year no matter how many precautions we take. Sudden drops of temperature, longer nights, short days are the perfect elements for getting us infections and sickness. Many people experience fever, throat aching during the winter months. But winter is not the main reason, it only contributes to worsening the condition.

If you or your child suffer from allergies or nasal irrigation, sinusitis, running nose for several days or frequently, then contact an allergy clinic rapidly. This article will show you how winter acts as a contributing factor to ENT problems and prevent these problems.

How Does Winter Impact Our Health?

1. Aching Throat

Your throat can be sore due to various viral infections. Cold weather does not cause aching in your throat, it just worsens the situation. As humidity levels become lower this winter, therefore, dry air and the spread of germs can dry out the throat tissue and lead to irritation. Whenever you notice sore throating, consult with an ENT specialist to reduce the symptoms.

2. Runny Nose

In many cases, postnasal drip is the main underlying reason for you and your family during the winter. People assume that cold weather or water leads to these problems. But various reasons can cause these symptoms. It does not matter dry or cold air, when it passes through the nose, add moisture to match it with the body temperature. As a result, you may notice water droplets and irritation in nasal glands. In return, the glands produce excess mucus.

How to Prevent ENT Problems?

You have to clean the surrounding areas clean and get dressed as per the weather condition.

You can strengthen the immunity system by consuming an immunity-boosting diet including amla, dates, leafy greens, dry fruits, vegetables, millets, and root vegetables. You should also do exercise regularly. If you have already suffered from these issues, then don’t take a chance and visit an allergy clinic.

Get in Touch With Us

Contacting an experienced doctor would be your best option to deal with these ENT issues. You can contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC in Edmond. Their expert can track down the cause of the problem and put you back on the road to recovery in Norman, OK.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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