Everything You Need to Know About BVCP

Many pediatric ENT doctors in Oklahoma have a different take on bilateral vocal cord palsy, which has always been challenging and controversial. The vocal cord vibrates, which creates sound and closes when you sallow your food. They always help your airway from getting choked by food, but when it cannot do any of this activity, it is called paralyzed. This happens when a child is diagnosed with bilateral vocal cord palsy. Bilateral vocal cord palsy is seen when both the vocal cord stops working. Many pediatric ENT from Oklahoma City have been heard describing surgical options, but research is still going on for less invasive processes.

What Can Cause It?

Affected Central Nervous System- Pediatric ENT in Oklahoma suggests that someone can face BVCP if they have suffered from MS, stroke, or any other similar condition that can affect the vagus nerve nuclei, which can lead to paralysis of the vocal cord.

Any Kind of Surgery- if the person has suffered neck, heart, or chest surgery, then they can get this disorder according to pediatric ENT.

Latrogenic Cause- if a person is suffering from thyroid, oesophageal, or tracheal resections, then they might suffer trauma to the vagus nerve. Pediatric ENT says that this can be a contemporary problem or become a severe paralysis later.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • Sometimes the child might choke during feeding

  • Pediatric ENT suggests noticing the child’s sound if it gets high-pitched when they cry, as this is called stridor

  • If the child is constantly suffering from pneumonia because of aspiration

  • If the child is turning blue because of pauses in breath

What Is the Diagnosis?

The pediatric ENT in Oklahoma uses a flexible scope that is attached to a camera that is slowly put inside the child’s mouth. This helps the pediatrician get a close view of the vocal cord and its surrounding areas. In this way, they can figure out if the vocal cord can move or not. If they find issues with the vocal cord, then they might prescribe other tests that need to be done under anesthesia.

What Are the Treatments?

The pediatric ENT first assesses all the possibilities and then gives a treatment plan that can provide all levels of care that the child needs. They will discuss everything they have figured out and then customize a treatment plan that fits you the best.

Don’t Wait; Get Your Child Checked Immediately

No parents want to see their child suffering, so getting treated as fast as possible is a priority. Our priority at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is your well-being. You can call us to clear all your doubts and schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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