Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Sinusitis

Sleep apnea and sinus can destroy your sleep quality by disturbing your breath. They work side by side; while one block your throat, the other block your nasal passage. When it becomes hard to breathe, it becomes very uncomfortable for the person to sleep properly, and the person might start snoring. This makes the night unpleasant for their sleeping partner, which leads to both of them feeling tired in the morning. There are many sleep apnea treatments to choose from. On the other hand, sinus specialists suggest that the situation can worsen if it is a chronic sinus problem so getting treated is necessary.

Let us know about both of these in details:

What is Sleep Apnea?

It is known as sleep apnea if you have repeated pauses in breathing while you sleep. This pause usually lasts for about ten seconds to a minute at a time. Sleep is disrupted because it can continuously occur thirty or more times an hour. It can disrupt blood flow to your arteries and brain because of a lack of oxygen in your body. Your upper airway is partially or entirely blocked because of this disease, and only sleep apnea treatments can reduce this problem.

What is Sinusitis?

When your sinus cavity gets inflamed, that is known as sinusitis. Your sinus has the proper function of filtering the bacteria and pollutants with the help of a thin layer of mucus and many tiny hairs called cilia. That gets drained into the nasal cavity through many small holes, which is done every ten minutes. Sinus infection, also called sinusitis, has many painful symptoms like, fatigue, sinus pressure, and headache. If you experience all these symptoms, you should consult a sinus specialist to get it treated quickly.

What is the Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Sinusitis?

The primary connection between sleep apnea and sinusitis is not yet known, but there was a study done where it was found that 971 patients who had sleep apnea were later diagnosed with sinusitis. It is not necessary that if you have sleep apnea, you will develop sinusitis and vice versa, but the risk of getting the latter disease is higher. Another similarity is that both disorders lead to sleep loss and can trigger snoring while sleeping. Proper sleep apnea treatment is necessary to stop it from progressing. Sometimes, a sinus specialist recommends lifestyle changes like losing excess weight or sleeping on your side instead of your back or stomach.

You Deserve Being Well-Rested

Are you or your loved one suffering from sleep apnea or sinusitis? You need to consult with the Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC specialist, consisting of a group of physicians who have been serving for more than 35 years giving clinical and surgical care to their patients.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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