Everything You Need to Know About Ear Tubes

Having a child is one of the most important and memorable moments in a person’s life. Every parent wants the best for their child and ensures their safety. They try to prevent every small and big infection or disease by every means. Nevertheless, ears often remain ignored!

The ears are a vital part of a person’s body. But if the ears are not provided proper care, they can quickly get infections in children. Therefore, it is necessary to get your child checked by a pediatric ENT specialist at the earliest. Only they can tell you about the different methods to keep your child safe from ear infections.

Among these methods, there are ear tubes. They are very effective and can be installed through a very short and simple surgery. That is why knowing about the details of this surgery can help you save your child from such infections.

What Are Ear Tubes?

Ear tubes are small pipe-like components installed within a child's eardrums. This tube allows air to get in the ear and the ear fluids to get out of it. As a result, the fluid does not accumulate behind the eardrums. So your child stays safe from severe ear infections.

How Pediatric ENTs Install Ear Tubes?

Ear tubes are installed through a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Anesthesia is provided at first as the ears are a very sensitive part of the body. The anesthesia leaves the body immobilized to relieve the child from immense pain. After that, the doctors make a small intersection in the eardrum with a small and microscopic blade. This intersection is only large enough for the tube. So the tube is placed in after that, which completes the process. Now, if the other ear requires it, the same process is repeated for that.

The Right Age to Get Ear Tubes

There is no right or wrong age to get this treatment. The requirement for ear tubes can occur at any point in life. But according to some of the best pediatric ENTs in OKC, an average child might need ear tubes when they are about five years old. If your child is around that age, then do not waste any more time. Consult with your pediatric ENT specialist and opt for ear tube surgery.

How Long Do the Ear Tubes Stay in the Ear? (And How Long Does It Take?)

The ear tubes are placed inside the ear only to be eventually pushed out by the ear itself. This happens because the intersection from the surgery starts to heal eventually. And once it starts doing that, the drum slowly pushes the tube out.

This process usually takes about a year. But things could be different for your child. If your child heals slowly, the tube could stay in there for a longer time.

Where to Get the Surgery?

Even if you know all the essential things about this fantastic treatment method, all of them are useless if you do not contact a skilled doctor. But where do you find such an experienced pediatric ENT in Oklahoma? The answer is quite simple, Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates. Our physicians are highly qualified and have cured several children who were at risk of getting ear inspections. So book an appointment now and let a professional have a look at the ears of your child.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers