Oral Appliance vs. CPAP Machine: Travelling Edition

Do you need to travel but suffer from severe sleep apnea? This can be a problem as it can make your entire trip tiring and irritating. Sleep apnea doesn’t just affect the physical health of the person but also their mental health. People suffering from this disease always feel fatigued and discouraged, no matter what they try to do. However, many new devices have been discovered by doctors these days.

Specialists are using all the devices in sleep apnea treatment centers in Oklahoma City. Hence, if you are planning to go on a trip, you can carry these devices. Two examples are CPAP and oral appliances; however, there is always a debate about which is better. Much research has been done, and most have claimed that oral machines are a better option. Let’s discuss how both can make a difference in your life.

Aspects to Consider

Most specialists in sleep apnea treatment clinics claim that many appliances can help a professional. They can even carry those appliances while traveling to get better results. You should always research both options thoroughly to understand which suits you best. Here are some things you need to consider:

  • While traveling, you must see which one is more convenient to carry. The appliance, which is smaller in size, will be easier to pack.

  • Sleep apnea treatment clinic suggests buying the appliance you will use more consistently. You must maintain specific treatment protocols to get the best results, whether it is an oral appliance or CPAP.

  • Sometimes people feel uncomfortable sleeping with a CPAP machine, whereas oral machines are much easier to use.

Basic Oral Appliance

Look- An oral appliance can come in a one-size-fits-all option, or you can consider buying a custom oral appliance. Custom one is done according to your size and won’t shift while you sleep. It is a small device that does not require a power source.

Benefit- Sleep apnea treatment clinics suggest taking this while traveling because it does not make a loud noise. Patients can move around while using it as it does not have a mask or other equipment attached to it.

Suitable for Travel- This is said to be good for travel because it won’t take up much of the space in your luggage. Another point is it does not contain any metal, so you won’t have a problem during the security check.

Basic of CPAP

Look- Continuous positive airway pressure, also known as CPAP machine, has a mask and a tube attached to an appliance. A sleep apnea treatment specialist suggests this to people who suffer from moderate to severe sleep apnea. You must keep the machine near you while it draws air from your room. It then filters the air and then delivers it into your airway.

Benefit- This device can give fast results than other devices as per many studies.

Suitable for Travel- There might be better equipment for you to travel as it is big and takes up a lot of space.

Choose the Best Option Available

Now that you know the benefits of both appliances, you can choose the one that is more convenient for you. However, you can contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates if you still have doubt and queries regarding this. They have the best ENT doctors in their clinic, who have been in this business for over 35 years. Call to schedule your consultation today.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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