Feeling Off-Balance? You May Suffer From Vertigo

Have you ever been in such a situation where you are in the middle of an office meeting and suddenly you have got a call from your mom? She is feeling dizzy and telling you to come home as early as possible. After taking her to the doctor, the expert tells you that it can be a sign of balance disorder. You may have already experienced this incident with your mom before but didn’t pay much attention to it.

It is an extremely common problem that older people face. According to researches, 33 million American adults suffer from balance disorder along with being unsteady on their feet and feelings of dizziness. Oklahoma has a higher risk because the percentage of older people in the state is more compared to others. As a result, older people can face difficulties doing daily tasks and it can be dangerous for them as well. They may also get injured if they fall suddenly due to the dizziness. If your parents ever experience sudden dizziness, then don’t waste your time. Contact an otolaryngologist immediately to find the solution in OKC.

What is a Balance Disorder?

In this condition, older people feel dizzy or unsteady. While standing after lying down for too long you may feel spinning, moving or floating. Anyone can feel dizzy anytime- that’s for sure but dizziness can indicate different things to various people. For instance, dizziness can be an intense sensation of spinning for an individual.

Various physical difficulties including problems in the inner ear, medications are responsible for having balance disorder. This problem can affect your daily lifestyle and lead to emotional and psychological hardship. If your relatives experience this problem, consult with an otolaryngologist promptly.

What are the Symptoms of Balance Problems?

  • Blurred vision

  • Dizziness

  • Confusion

  • Staggering when you try to walk.

  • Lightheadedness

  • floating sensation

  • Falling

What are the Reasons?

Various reasons are responsible for having a balance disorder in elderly people. The following are head injury, infections in the ear, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation, neurological conditions and chemical imbalance in your brain. Apart from that, sea travel can also cause balance problems which can take hours or days to clear up properly.

How Can You Diagnose Balance Disorder?

As balance problems can happen due to various reasons, the expert may find it difficult to diagnose them sometimes. However, after diagnosing the symptoms, otolaryngologists may do some tests including heart rate, blood pressure, ear test to reveal inner ear issues, moving chair tests like rotary chair tests or posturography, and magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography scans, eye movement tests including electronystagmography and videonystagmography.

Find Your Balance

It is an extremely common problem among old people and undergoing therapy will help you to cope with the same. Consuming medication and doing some lifestyle changes may improve the condition. If you ever experience balance disorder, then contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. Our expert otolaryngologist will evaluate your overall condition and make a suitable treatment plan in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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