Helpful Remedies to Get Rid of Snoring


Snoring is very common among adults. It happens due to excessive stress in the daytime. Snoring generally occurs when the air flows through the throat during your sleep. The relaxed tissues in your throat vibrate, and that is why snoring happens.

Snoring can disrupt your partner’s sleep, and it can be a persistent problem if not treated at the right time. Before visiting the doctor and starting the snoring treatment, there are quick remedies for you, which you can initially implement to get rid of snoring.

Losing weight may help you

Losing weight will help you to reduce extra fat from your neck which causes pressure on the throat and leads to snoring. Lose weight by reducing calorie intake. Eat healthy food, including green vegetables. Do daily exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

Elevate your head in the bed

When you feel that you are snoring and suddenly wake up from sleep, elevate your head in bed. This will reduce the snoring and will keep the airway open.

Use the nasal strips

There are sticks on nasal strips that are available on the market. You can use these strips, which will increase the space in the nasal passage. With the aid of the nasal strips, you can breathe effectively, which will reduce the snoring gradually.

Get nose surgery

A deviated septum can cause snoring. As there is a misalignment of the wall that separates the nose and it restricts the airflow as well. As a result of that, you will breathe by mouth, which leads to snoring. Surgery will help you to correct this condition, which is part of snoring treatment.

Avoid consuming alcohol before bed

Make sure that you are not consuming alcohol before sleep. If you drink alcohol, it will relax the throat muscles, which cause snoring.

Avoid taking the sedatives

Avoiding sedatives before bed will help you ease your snoring. You can talk to the doctor and make an appointment.

Snoring can be irritating for you and your partner. Consulting with a doctor will help you get rid of it. If you are suffering from a persisting problem, then don’t worry. We, Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates LLC, have professional doctors who will help you treat your snoring with the right medicine’s aid.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.