When You Must Visit an Allergist for Asthma Attack?


The human body can protect itself against harmful intruders like virus or bacteria. But defense are sometimes too aggressive that it recognizes dust, molds or pollen as hazardous. The immune system then attacks and defeats the so-called enemy, including several chemicals. In the process, the allergy-prone person may experience some unpleasant and in extreme cases life-threatening symptoms. We commonly say it allergy and if you are getting in trouble for it, visit your nearest allergy clinic in Edmond.

Who Develops Allergies or Asthma?

Asthma and allergies, irrespective of age, gender, race or socio-economic conditions, can affect anyone. While asthma and allergies are more prevalent in children, for the first time ever they can occur at every age. Allergy symptoms sometimes begin in childhood, go missing for years and then restart in adulthood.

Although exact genetic factors are still not understood, asthma and allergies are hereditary. Factors such as hormones, stress, smoke, perfume and other ecological irritants can also play a role in people who are sensitive.

Symptoms of Asthma

It is hard to tell whether your asthma is caused solely by allergens, however, certain unique factors come into play. You may want to schedule an appointment with one of our allergy specialists at our allergy clinic if you experience one of these symptoms regularly.

Coughing at night time especially

  • Chronic coughing

  • Wheezing

  • Breath shortness

  • Chest tightness or pressure

  • Skin irritation around the eyes, nose, mouth etc.

Severe Asthma Attack Symptoms

  • Fast breathing

  • Pain in chest

  • Difficulty to talk

  • Panic or anxiety

  • Swelling in the areas like throat, chest, face or other

Causes of Asthma

Common Allergens

  • Mold

  • Animal dander and saliva

  • Pollen dust mite

  • Dust mite and cockroach feces

  • Common Irritants

  • Smoking tobacco

  • Air pollution

  • Chemical odors

  • Perfume or similar scented spray

  • Exercise

  • Cold air

  • Crying or laughing hard

  • Anxiety

  • Hyperventilation

When to Visit a Doctor?

If you're feeling sick, with a cough or a congestion in your head, then you have to see an allergist at an allergy clinic. Asthma or allergy symptoms often progress over time.

Patients with allergies can have common symptoms like sneezing, congestion or wheezing. These symptoms can generally be prevented or controlled with the assistance of an allergist with significant improvements in quality of life.

Asthma and allergies requires planning, competence and patience for controlling. The allergist can develop a treatment plan for your personal condition with his / her specialized training. The goal is to allow you to live a life as normal and free of symptoms as possible.

See us at OKOA in OKC for treating your allergy problems. In OKC, see our ENT specialist for related problems. We have experienced pediatric ENT specialist for children also.