Hormones and Sleep Are Codependent: Is It True?

Have you ever noticed that you feel awful the next day when you spend a sleepless night? You feel exhausted, irritated, sleepy, and even less confident. You feel that there is an imbalance but you cannot really put your finger on what it is.

According to the sleep clinic in OKC, your hormonal imbalance caused by the lack of sleep is the reason for you to feel ‘off’.

In fact, sleep and hormones in your body is interconnected. So, while lack of sleep can cause hormone issues, hormonal imbalance can cause sleeplessness. So, if you are not being able to sleep, you should definitely go for sleep apnea treatment, which can determine the reason of the problem and offer a solution for it. But for that, let us take a look at what hormone is:


Your body produces certain chemicals and spreads these chemicals throughout your body through glands and other organs. These chemicals are known as hormones. Hormones are responsible for many the functionalities of your body such as:

  • Your circadian or diurnal rhythm

  • Your appetite

  • Your metabolism

  • Your heart rate and blood pressure

  • Your sexual drive and functionality

If you notice that you are feeling tired and lethargic even after a night of good sleep, you can be sure that there is a problem with your hormone production. This is generally termed as adrenaline fatigue. Adrenaline gland does not only product adrenaline hormone but produces other hormones as well.

Inadequate Sleep Can Lead to Hormonal Issues:

There is a reason why your mother used to ask you to sleep early in your childhood. Getting adequate sleep at night is essential for your body to function properly. Proper sleep regulates the production of hormones. Truly speaking, if you do not get sleep apnea treatment when you are not being able to sleep at night, you are actually causing hormonal issues. You may face the following problems because of hormonal imbalance:

  • Abnormal weight gain or obesity

  • Increased appetite

  • Lowered metabolism

  • Reduced immunity that results in increased illnesses

  • Memory loss

  • Slow injury recovery

  • Heart diseases caused by hypertension

If you are thinking that you can sleep for over 9 hours to compensate the lack of sleep, you are wrong. Sleeping more than 9 hours can also lead to problems. You may feel sleepy during daytime and your metabolism may also be low. You may not be able to focus properly and your overall sleep cycle can be disrupted.

If you are facing any type of sleep issues, you must visit a sleep clinic in OKC such as OKOA.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers