My Father Snored So Loud at Night- How to Stop Him?

Various reasons can cause breathing issues through the nose. Many people experience trouble breathing while suffering from allergies or bad colds. But most of the time, a deviated septum can cause sleep apnea or lead to major problems like a sleep disorder. It is not mandatory that people who snore are suffering from sleep apnea all the time. However, sleep apnea can be an underlying cause behind loud snoring and shortness of breath while sleeping.

This type of issue can affect your overall health if you neglect them and leave it untreated for too long. If this problem troubles you heavily, then consult with a specialist for snoring treatment. We have answered all the questions regarding deviated symptoms including what it is, symptoms, causes and does it cause sleep apnea.

What Is a Deviated Septum?

The nasal septum refers to the bone and the cartilage in your nose. Remember that it divides the cavity into the right and left sides. If the septum leans to one side more, then it becomes deviated. Keep in mind that if you suffer from this problem, then you are not alone. More than 80% of the nasal septum have deviated, but most of these conditions don’t require treatment. However, more severe symptoms will need special medical attention.

What are the Symptoms?

  • Noisy breathing.

  • Nosebleeds.

  • Nasal congestion.

  • Sleep apnea.

  • Snoring.

  • Headaches

Which Factors Lead to Deviated Septum?

Generally, injury can cause a deviated septum in most cases. If you get injured because of car accidents, sports, during fights or by falling, then you are more prone to this symptom. Apart from that, you can also inherit this symptom as a result of normal development. The septum can also grow as the nose grows towards one side.

How Is It Diagnosed?

After visiting the doctor, he or she may ask you various questions about your symptoms. After that, the expert performs a physical exam. The important thing to mention, you should go to an ENT specialist to diagnose the problem.

What to Do After Diagnosing the Problem?

It is important to know that having symptoms of deviated septum does not mean that you should go to a doctor for treatment. If this issue disrupts your sleep, then you may consider taking various non-invasive treatments such as breathe-right strips, nasal steroid or saline sprays. If it does not improve over time, then nose septum surgery is the only option for you. The specialist considers various factors including pre-existing condition, age, septum, risk factors, health and drug use before recommending surgery.

‘Bye Bye’ Snoring

If you notice that your continuous snoring prevents your family member from getting a sound sleep then it’s time to schedule an appointment at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. Deviated symptoms may not cause any trouble to you but consultation lets you understand how to handle the non-harmful problems tactfully.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers