How Sinus Rinse Helps in Acute Sinus Issues


Typically, sinus specialists encourage people with ear, nose, and throat issues to perform a sinus rinse twice daily. It's an easy procedure that can be done in the shower, in the tub, or in the sink. It gets rid of the stuffy nose and returns them to top form. By relieving your sinus infections, you can reverse dry nose syndrome. During times like these, upper respiratory and sinus infections get more severe. Go for acute sinusitis treatment before it is too late.

Having excellent nasal health is an important part of the patient treatment, and a sinus rinse that can easily be done at home is included in each of the plans. It cleans out your sinuses to get rid of muck, pollen, and other problems like sinus problems. Rinsing the nose also helps with better breathing and loosens mucus and lets the sinuses drain.

The sinus rinse works best if you bear in mind these points:

• Clean the sinus rinse bottle after each use

• Do it consistently. If you have headaches, sinus pain, pressure, sinus infections, sleep apnea, or symptoms of allergy, make an appointment with us at OKOA so that we can alleviate your symptoms and aid you to live the best of your lives!

• We follow CDC directives and provide all our patients with a safe environment

What Home Remedies to Follow?

• Go for a long, vigorous walk on an overcast day;

• If you are about to vomit, bend your head over a sink or a bathroom sink tub angle it to one side; it helps to do this as the puke is less likely to spray in your face or hair.

• Squeeze the upper nostril with a bulb syringe or use a neti pot.

• Another alternative for nasal congestion relief is to pour a small amount of solution from your other nostril into the drain. Keep your breath moving when exhaling, and mouth open when inhaling.

• If you can keep it from going down the back of your throat, you may keep it from choking you. To find the correct head angle, you may have to move your head.

• When your nose is full of mucus, gently blow into the tissue.

Why Should You Choose OKOA?

OKOA is one of the leading clinics in Oklahoma that provides seamless acute sinusitis treatment. Talk to our doctors and describe your symptoms accurately.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.