How Snoring Can Affect Your Heart?

How Snoring Can Affect Your Heart.jpg

Snoring may seem funny to some people but it's not funny at all. It can lead you towards a certain serious condition that is threatening. If a person snores while sleeping, it means there is some problem with his breathing, i.e. his breathing is blocked. When there is not enough room in the back of your throat to move air freely, snoring appears. Snoring can affect your heart that results in heart failure. A snoring treatment can help you slowly get back to normal sleeping condition.

For most people, it is difficult to believe that they are snoring unless people around them tell them. Snoring occurs typically, when they are in deep sleep. So it's hard for them to notice it

Snoring Is a Sleeping Disorder

Snoring is a common symptom of a sleeping disorder, known as sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, people experience multiple breathing issues while sleeping. A partial obstruction in upper airways causes repeated breathing issues. Many people snore in this situation. But it is not correct that every person who snored has Sleep Apnea. In some cases, a person may have simple snoring due to muscle fatigue that doesn't affect the quality of sleep. But in the case of obstructive sleep apnea, air-blocking can affect the quality of sleep.

How Snoring Is Linked with Heart Disease?

  • Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

People stop breathing for 10-20 seconds in an Obstructive Sleep apnea. Blood rates and oxygen levels drop suddenly due to the breathing issue and the person wakes up suddenly. This sudden wake-up pushes the heart rate and blood pressure up that increases the risk of heart attack and heart failure.

  • Impact of Adrenaline Hormone

Due to the decreasing oxygen levels, the body releases adrenaline hormones. It increases the levels of adrenaline in the blood when the body stops breathing. As a result, blood pressure and heart rate increases.

  • Effect of Prolonged Snoring And Vibration

Prolonged snoring makes the heart walls stiffer. And Vibration thickens internal and external carotid arteries. The risk of stroke increases as the arteries start to thicken.

Snoring treatment can prevent heart disease to a certain point. Different therapies including CPAP is a successful treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. By creating pressure in the airways it prevents snoring. Apart from it, certain precautions can help you relieve snoring. They are -

  • Overweight puts excessive pressure around the neck. It chokes air and makes it difficult for you to breathe.

  • Sleeping sideways is a better idea than sleeping on your back. It will put less pressure on your neck and throat.

  • You need to avoid alcohol along with smoking before sleeping to make sure there is no stiffness in the muscle.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is the best option for you if you are suffering from a sleeping disorder that causes snoring. Our professional and experienced physicians are always ready to welcome you. We will make sure your quality of sleep is not affected by unnecessary hindrances.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.