Learn How to Treat Your Sleep Apnea Disorder

Sleep apnea is growing rapidly. A study shows that more than 18 millions of Americans have sleep apnea. It’s normally difficult for people to recognize whether or not they have sleep apnea. Snoring during sleep is a common symptom. One of the major causes of sleep apnea is breathing interruption during sleep. And if it’s left untreated, the person will stop breathing multiple times during sleep. Your sleep apnea is commonly linked with diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure and other issues. It’s important to make sure you get proper sleep apnea treatment to avoid a drastic lifestyle.


Sleep apnea has different symptoms include:

  • Snoring

  • Feeling of tiredness during daytime

  • Multiple awakenings

  • Frequent urination during nighttime

  • Unable to sleep

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that can cause high blood pressure and heart disease.


When you have sleep apnea and you suspect it, you need to see a specialist. Making certain lifestyle changes can actually provide you good results. Here are a few important sleep apnea treatment options:

  • CPAP

CPAP is a common treatment option for treating moderate to severe sleep apnea. It will blow air into your mouth during sleep to make sure your airways are open.

  • Mouthpiece

Mouthpiece is the best option for treating moderate sleep apnea. It adjusts your lower jaw and tongue to make sure your airways are open when you sleep.

  • Surgery

The purpose of surgical treatment for sleep apnea is to widen the breathing passages.

Apart from these options, making certain lifestyle changes can help you. You need to maintain a healthy habit. Make sure you stay fit, do regular exercise and quit smoking. If you are able to make these changes to your lifestyle, you will be able to get good sleep.

Since sleep apnea is a serious disorder, you should immediately visit a specialist once you suspect it. You can consider visiting Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. We have specialists to treat sleep apnea disorder. Call us today to make an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.