When Should You Visit an Allergy Doctor Right Away?

People experiencing allergy symptoms are likely to seek treatment from an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor. Surgery of the head, face, sinuses, nose, throat, and voice box is a specialty of ENT surgeons. They specialize in the surgical treatment of these conditions. Physicians that specialize on allergic problems of the nose, sinuses, ears, throat, and lungs are known as allergists/immunologists. Allergies can produce symptoms including wheezing, nasal congestion, recurrent ear pain, and a hoarse voice, but surgery isn't always necessary.

To help you decide if you need to see an Allergy doctors or an ENT doctor for your symptoms, keep reading to learn more.

In What Circumstances Should You Visit An Allergist?

Highly trained specialists, allergists/immunologists diagnose, treat, and control allergic inflammation of all kinds using nonsurgical approaches. They are experts in the field.

Allergies occur when the immune system interprets a normally benign substance as a danger (i.e. pollens, mold, dust mite, pet dander and foods). Food, stinging insects, or drugs can cause symptoms that range from moderate to life-threatening, known as anaphylaxis. Recurrent nasal congestion, painful facial pressure, throat clearing, nasal drainage, and/or sneezing are all common symptoms of allergic reactions to environmental chemicals. Environmental allergy sufferers commonly describe their symptoms as "sinus headaches" or "sinus pain."

Allergies can have a significant influence on people of all ages, regardless of age. The unfortunate reality is that many people who suffer from allergic nose or sinus difficulties don't recognize their symptoms are caused by allergies and assume their illness is incurable. Fortunately, with the guidance of an Allergist, these symptoms can often be easily treated or even prevented.

To stop allergic symptoms, allergy doctors must shut down the allergic process. Knowing whether or not a person has allergic triggers can help Allergists choose the best course of action in treating allergies. As a result of allergy testing, the Allergist can identify the patient's specific allergens and prescribe the most appropriate therapy for them to help them live a healthier, happier life.

Allergy treatments include avoiding certain allergens, taking medication as prescribed, and in rare circumstances, undergoing immunotherapy. An essential strategy in allergic disease treatment is allergen immunotherapy, which retrains the immune system to cease reacting to allergens. This reduces the need for allergy drugs by helping to prevent allergic symptoms in the first place.

There are many other regions of the body that can be affected by allergies in addition to the skin and eyes. Allergists are medical professionals that specialize in treating all types of allergy symptoms, regardless of where in the body they manifest. If you experience chronic sinus pressure and have a family history of allergies or asthma, see an allergist before going straight to an ENT at OKOA in Norman, OK.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.