Learn More About Different Types of Sinus Surgeries

Learn More About Different Types of Sinus Surgeries.jpg

There is no doubt sinus issues can impact the quality of life, especially those that stay for a longer period of time. Sinus issues can cause you to have reduced air flow, snoring and sleep apnea as well. If you are suffering from sinus issues, you must contact a sinus specialist. If you are in OKC, you can contact one of the ENT doctors to help you assess your conditions. Your doctor will provide you medication to reduce the allergic infections. If the medications are unable to make an impact, you may be recommended sinus surgeries. Since there are different types of surgeries, your doctor will find out the best suitable option according to your conditions.

Why Do Sinus Surgeries Important?

Sinus surgeries are carried out when traditional medications don’t make a significant impact. The purpose of the surgery is to remove whatever is blocking the pathways of the sinuses. Here are a few reasons why sinus surgeries are important:

  • Sinusitis is a type of nasal swelling and sometimes can be considered as a sinus infection. After the surgery you will be able to feel the difference. You will no longer experience a stuffy nose and blocked ears.

  • Larger nasal polyps are one of the few reasons why you may need a surgery. Larger polyps are usually annoying and can block the nasal passages.

  • Abnormal growths and some structural issues may allow you to take the help of surgery.

Different Types of Surgeries

There are different type of surgeries, some of the most common types are:

  • Septoplasty

The purpose of Septoplasty is to restructure the bone and cartilage and open the air passage. A person who is suffering from a deviated septum can get benefits from this surgery.

  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

This surgery involves an endoscope inserted into your nose to reach the opening of the sinuses. Micro telescopes and other instruments are also used. The sole purpose of this surgery is to remove problematic tissues and clear the air pathways. You can contact a sinus specialist to learn more about endoscopic sinus surgeries.

Sinus surgeries generally have a faster recovery period. Bleeding may occur for a few days after the surgery is over. If the cause of your surgery is deviated septum, you may be recommended some other medications. If you are in OKC, the best way to learn more about sinus surgeries is to contact an ENT doctor.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates should be your choice when it comes to finding the best sinus specialist. We have world class ENT specialists to help you get relieved from problems related to your ear, nose and throat. Contact us for more information or visit our website to learn more about our treatment options.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.