Learn More about Post-Nasal Drop & Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes inflamed airways and leads you to coughing, wheezing and respiratory disease. Is post-nasal drip making it difficult to control your asthma? If it does, it’s important for you to understand the causes and ways to control it. People with asthma need to manage their symptoms in a better way. Cold air and allergens are one of the common stimulators. They provoke asthma attacks. If you are in discomfort and unable to find a way you can contact a sinus specialist.

What Is a Post-Nasal Drip?

Post-nasal drip is a natural condition. It occurs when your nose and other glands produce too much mucus. When the mucus runs down the back of your throat, it’s known as post-nasal drip. When your nose produces more than enough mucus (highly thicker), it creates an uncomfortable situation.

How Does Post-nasal Drip Cause Asthma?

Post-nasal drip can cause prolonged discomfort. Coughing and wheezing are one of the most common symptoms of Asthma. Unfortunately post-nasal drip has common symptoms as Asthma.

No one knows what the exact cause of asthma is. Different environmental conditions can trigger your asthma attack. When allergies cause post-nasal drip, it can trigger asthma attacks. It’s important for you to schedule an appointment with a sinus specialist to make sure you’re able to get the right treatment.

How to Manage Your Post-Nasal Drip in a Better Way

The medical treatment of your post-nasal drip will depend on the cause of mucus accumulation. Certain home remedies can help you in this regard Some of them are :

  • Drink a lot of water and hot liquid. It will make mucus thin.

  • You can use honey to soothe your throat.

  • OTC medications can help you in this regard.

  • When you have a severe post-nasal drip, you must look for medical help.

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is the right place when it comes to treat your asthma and post-nasal drip. We have experienced physicians to help you find out the cause of your symptoms and provide a treatment plan thereafter. Allergens can trigger your asthma. Contact us today or make an appointment with us.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.