Why Should You Contact an Otolaryngologist for Sinus Infection?

Why Should You Contact an Otolaryngologist for Sinus Infection.jpg

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, more than 31 million people in the United States suffer from sinus infections. Your sinuses and nasal passages become augmented due to the infection and it is known as sinusitis. Generally, sinuses are a type of air pocket that is situated behind your nose and forehead.

It produces mucus that traps and moves away from the germs and protects the body. But sometimes sinuses produce too much mucus due to bacteria that block the openings of the sinuses. As a result, germs can build up in the sinus cavity and it leads to a sinus infection. If you notice that the symptoms do not reduce within one to two weeks, then you have to contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Sinus Infections

  • Experience fatigue

  • May notice cough

  • fever

  • runny nose

  • Pain and pressure around your nose

  • Thick and colored nasal discharge

Types of Sinus Infections

  1. Acute sinusitis

  2. Subacute sinusitis

  3. Chronic sinusitis

What to Know About Chronic Sinusitis?

Sinus infection is very common among people but a few people experience infection very often. If you are suffering from chronic sinusitis, then the tissues inside your sinuses are blocked for a longer period of time because of mucus build up and swelling. These symptoms can last for a month. If you experience the symptoms for approx. 12 weeks, then it is considered chronic sinusitis.


  • You face difficulties while smelling or tasting foods.

  • You may notice that mucus leak down the back of the throat.

  • Dry mucus may block your nasal passages.

If you consult with the otolaryngologist, then he or she can diagnose the risk factors such as allergies, respiratory tract infections, chronic nasal congestion and nasal polyps.

Treatment Option

If you have deviated septum or chronic sinusitis, then the specialist recommends surgery to remove the abnormal tissue growth and clean the area with a balloon sinuplasty. If you have symptoms of chronic allergies, then you have to do immunotherapy to reduce the reactivity of your immune system to the allergens.

When to See an Otolaryngologist?

  1. If you are suffering from fever for more than three days

  2. You may experience the symptoms often.

  3. Experience migraine or headache.

  4. If the symptoms remain for more than 10 days, then it’s time to visit an otolaryngologist.

  5. After taking medicine, the symptoms are getting worse.

Contact Us

If you are suffering from sinus infections frequently, then contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC to get rid of the problem in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.