Neck Abscess: Symptoms & Treatment Options

When there is an infection somewhere within the structures of your neck, pus will start building up. As pus increases, the soft tissues start to expand and push against the structures around the neck. The same can happen for an ear. From earache to swollen throat, there are a lot of symptoms. Whether you live in OKC or any other place, an ear doctor can address the specific cause of your infection and help you get rid of the discomfort.

Neck abscess can be life threatening if not properly addressed. It will cause breathing and eating problems and sometimes can lead you to choking. It's recommended to contact an ENT specialist if you or your loved one is suffering from a neck abscess.

What’s a Neck Abscess?

A neck abscess, sometimes called a cervical abscess is a collection of pus. Generally, a viral infection is the main cause of this disease. Various types of neck abscesses are found in children, some of them are:

Retropharyngeal Abscess

It’s a type of abscess that forms at the back of the throat due to upper respiratory infection. It’s most common in children causing a breakdown of the lymph nodes.

Quinsy Abscess

A quinsy abscess grows in the tissue walls behind the tonsils. It’s often found in young adults rather than young children.

Ludwig's Angina

Ludwig’s Angina is often called Submandibular Abscess. It’s an abscess that forms beneath the floor of your mouth, followed by a dental infection. It’s most common in older adolescents. A person suffering from Submandibular abscess will have his tongue pushing upwards and to the back of the throat. This often cause breathing problems.


It includes:

  • Fevers

  • Tongue pushing up and backwards

  • Swollen throat

  • Neck pain

  • Stiffness

  • Ear ache

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Difficulty in breathing

If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, you should contact an ear & throat doctor right away

The Final Decision

A neck abscess should not be neglected. Make an appointment at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates. We have highly experienced ENT specialists to address different problems related to your ear, nose and throat. Book your schedule with our specialists and enjoy a worry-free life.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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