Signs and Treatments of Deviated Septum


Deviated septum is the condition when the nasal passage wall tilts to one side. This is a birth defect generally. The consequences can affect your total body health. Smaller nostril will become blocked, followed by having a host of problems. It will lead to airflow and difficulty breathing followed by the headaches.

A recent study states, 80% of the population has deviated septum and people are unaware of it. Now, that is not the bad news. Instead, there is good news. Yes, you will experience the symptoms of deviated septum, by which you feel you need a nose septum surgery at its earliest.

Here are the signs

Having trouble breathing

Despite not gasping enough air, you will feel getting enough. On top of that, you will feel tired all the time. Besides, stuffy noses are a common issue.

Sleeping problem

Are you facing sleeping issues while you are lying on your side? Your body is maximizing airflow by favoring larger nostrils.

Breathing problem while exercising

Breathing quickly while exercising is the sign of deviated septum. Consult with an ENT specialist if you are experiencing this for a longer time.

Getting nosebleeds frequently

People having nasal septum will experience frequent nosebleeds. Being smaller in size, one side of the nostril will remain dry. This will lead to bleeding. It is a common symptom.


Nasal obstruction will trigger snoring. Nasal septum deviation can cause the entire nostril to be blocked. It will lead to snoring that means you are not getting proper rest and susceptible to dangerous health conditions.

Treatment options

Nasal septum surgery is the best option to eliminate all the problems. Apart from it, there are other options to provide you relief initially.


To reduce the swelling tissue, decongestants will be the best option. It will keep airways open, once you use it sparingly. Make sure you are following doctor’s advice otherwise you will be dependent towards nasal spray. In turn, it will cause your symptoms worse.

On the other hand, oral decongestants may increase your heart rate along with the jitters. You may also feel increased blood pressure after using those.

Nasal steroid sprays

Nasal steroids may take up three weeks to affect. After that, you have to follow the doctor’s instructions. It will help to treat swollen mucous membranes.

Book an appointment today

At OKOA, efficient ENT surgeons have been catering the patients since its inception. Most of the patients are cured now after having the treatment. What are you waiting for? Reach to us now and we will get you covered.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.