What Is Sleep Regression? How to Treat It?


Duration of two to four weeks during which a baby who was previously sleeping well has difficulty to sleep or wakes up amidst night is known as sleep regression. Take the baby at the nearest sleep clinic for healing.

Why does sleep regression occur in infants, and what causes it?

Many factors may cause a baby to become restless or anxious, resulting in sleep regression, along with:

  • An illness, such as a cold, cough, or ear infection

  • Disruption of habits

  • Traveling/change of venue, home lighting, etc.

  • An illness like cold, cough, or ear infection

What is the duration of sleep regression?

It usually lasts around 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly the baby adjusts to the new routine or recovers from illness. It's best, though, to stick to the routine and think about sleep preparation.

Sleep regression symptoms

Although the signs and causes differ from baby to baby, here are a few that you can look for if your child is experiencing sleep regression:

  • Frequent night waking

  • Difficulty falling asleep

  • Increased fussiness and irritability

  • Sudden aversion to naps

When do you have sleep regressions?

Since sleep regression is related to unexpected factors like disruptions in schedules or illness, it can occur at any time.

However, due to teething, or hitting new milestones, there are a few times when sleep regression is reasonably predictable:

  • 3 to 4 months: Since it's the first, the 4-month sleep regression is also the most painful for parents. Teething pain, hunger linked to growth spurts, and the excitement of turning over for the first time are all factors that contribute to baby sleep problems at this age.

  • 6 months: Around 6 months, babies go through one more growth spurt. However, by this point, children are capable to sleep through at night and may only wake for cuddles, indicating that it may be time to try a sleep training technique.

  • 8 to 10 months: Most babies start crawling around 9 months of age (although some start earlier and others later) and stand around 10 months. Separation anxiety is common and normal at this age, and your baby may wake up during the night looking for reassurance from you.

Tips for treating and avoiding sleep regressions

In most cases, a baby's sleep regression is just temporary, and there is no way to avoid it. It can, however, be managed by sticking to a sleep schedule and bedtime routine –

  • Recognizing sleep cues like rubbing eyes, fussiness, and yawning.

  • Ensuring baby gets approximately 16-17 hours of sleep

  • Consider sleep training in 4-6 months and wait at least 2 weeks to see if it works

  • If your baby appears stressed out by a change or due to separation anxiety, give extra attention at the day and before bedtime.

Is it possible to stop sleep regression?

Unfortunately for new parents out there who’ve suffered with a sleepless infant, there’s no way to avoid sleep regression. It's a natural part of being a baby or a toddler.

In the meantime, sticking to a bedtime routine and a sleep schedule will help you avoid sleep problems. Keep on and note that this, too, will pass.

Visit us at OKOA for your baby’s sleep regression problem. In our sleep clinic we will turn all the pages to help your baby. For pediatric ENT problems, we are also at your service.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.