Sleep Apnea: Is Overeating the Main Culprit?

Everybody knows that following a healthy diet and getting good sleep is necessary for overall health. Though we often overlook the factor, there is an important connection between nutrition and sleep. Lack of sleep can affect food choices and appetite and increase the chance of overeating and consuming unhealthy foods.

You should know that overeating can disrupt sleep. If you eat extremely spicy food in a huge amount, then digestion problems worsen the sleep quality and also increase the risk of heartburn.

Most specialists advise the patients to eat less before bedtime to get a sound sleep. If you can’t sleep at night properly for months, then contact a sleep specialist for sleep apnea treatment.

How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Your Diet?

Poor quality of sleep and an unhealthy diet can be a vicious cycle if you don’t manage it early. Sleep apnea interrupts sleep quality and causes fatigue during the day. As a result, you may end up consuming high-sugar foods to stay awake in the daytime.

Various reports say that hormones do not work properly if sleep is disrupted. Consequently, you may be hungry unnecessarily during the day which leads to overeating. We also know that overeating can also lead to weight gain which worsens sleep apnea due to constricted airways.

Are There Any Ways to Sleep Well After Overeating?

  • Drink Plenty of Water

After eating a lot, you may not be able to drink water. But you should consume water slowly. But don’t try to consume carbonated beverages because it has gas content.

  • Take Time

If you eat too much, then try to wait for at least three to four hours before going to bed. As a result, your body may get time to digest the food.

  • Do Light Physical Activity

Heavy physical activity is not good for health after eating. But you can do a short walk at a moderate pace to digest the food more quickly. However, if you can’t sleep well at night for months, then contact an expert to get sleep apnea treatment.

  • Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Remember that these items can disrupt your sleep at night. Therefore, you must avoid caffeine and alcohol to sleep well at night.

  • Customize Your Bedroom

If you eliminate excess light or noise from your room that causes sleep disruption, then it can help you to doze off quickly.

Did You Sleep Well?

It is not just how much you eat; the time of your eating also plays an important role in whether you sleep well or not. You should consume less food before going to bed to get a good night's sleep. If you can’t sleep for months, then contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC for sleep apnea treatment. Our doctors will evaluate the condition and provide a suitable solution.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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