Solution to Crooked Nose Problem

A deviated septum is seen when the thin wall aligning your nasal passage is titled to one side. This can make one of your nasal passage smaller than the other one. This reduces airflow from one side of the nose by blocking that side which in turn makes it hard to breath. Sometimes people even suffer from nose bleed or crusting. A nasal blockage is also a side effect of nasal septum that happens because of the swelling of the tissue lining of the nose. Before you know that you need a nose septum surgery, check out the symptoms.

Symptoms That You Must Not Overlook

Obstruction of Nostrils- One of the most common symptoms of nasal septum is the blockage of one or both nostrils. You can notice this specially when you have a cold or allergy. The nasal passage tends to swell at this time.

  • Nosebleed- The surface of the nose becomes dry which is a big risk for nose bleed.

  • Loud Breath During Sleep- If you are experiencing noisy breathing during sleeping then it might be because of nasal septum.

  • Preference of Sleeping on A Particular Side- If you prefer to sleep on a particular side throughout the night then you might want to consider a consult from a doctor.

  • Sinus Infection- If your nose gets blocked frequently, then you have a risk of getting sinus infection.

  • Headaches- A congestion connected to deviated septum can cause stuffiness which can lead to headaches. This in turn builds pressure in your sinus.

Causes You Must Know

A deviated septum can happen for two reasons:

  • From Birth- Deviated septum can occur from when a person was born.

  • Nose Injury- it can also be a result of injury to the nasal septum.

Getting It Fixed

There are many options for a deviated septum like a nasal steroid spray. Sometimes the doctor recommends other medicines for the nose. But when both of these fails then the doctor might recommend nasal septum surgery.


Septoplasty is a nose septum surgery inside the nose to straighten the deviated septum. It is usually about 7 cm long, and is made of cartilage and bone. This kind of nose septum surgery is only recommended when the symptoms are high.

How is Deviated Septum Diagnosed?

Doctor first looks into the inside of the nose with the help of nasal endoscopy. Nasal endoscopy is an exam where a tube with a camera on the end is inserted inside the nose. After the doctor comes up with a diagnosis, and if it is serious then they discuss about nose septum surgery. Sometimes, septoplasty is the only diagnosis for a nasal septum.

Consulting the Right Consultancy

You can rely on the expertise of Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates for your consultancy to give effective treatment with exceptional results. Call the office today to book an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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