How do Mental Health and Sleep Affect One Another?

There has been a significant increase in mental health concerns in recent years. This is when visiting a sleep clinic in OKC becomes crucial. But what is the connection between sleep and mental health?

It has been reported by the sleep experts of Oklahoma that insomnia and anxiety relate to our sleep cycle. We can only sleep deeply if our nerves are calm. Anxiety disturbs the general sleep cycle and that’s where insomnia arrives as an uninvited guest. Are you one of the sufferers? This guide is the right place for you then. Read on to know more about the connection and find out your remedy.

Understanding Insomnia

This is a common sleep disorder that causes difficulty in falling asleep at night. Here are a few symptoms of it:

  • You wake up once or twice at night.

  • You find it hard to stay asleep.

  • More sleepiness during the daytime.

  • Regular mood swings.

  • You wake up too early.

  • Sense of irritability.

  • Experiencing brain fog.

Impact on Mental Health

There is no denying that sleep is essential for physical and mental fitness. Chances of exhaustion and irritability increase with lack of sleep. This often causes severe health issues such as type 2 diabetes, cardiac disease, and anxiety. According to research, it is mainly responsible for the development of multiple mental health disorders.

This further worsens the sleep quality, and the loop continues to operate. Hence, you should go to a nearby sleep clinic in OKC to resolve the issue.

Here are some mental health problems caused by sleep deprivation:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Anxiety

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Depression

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Panic Attacks

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Mental Health Diagnosis

As per the National Alliance on Mental Illness, insomnia can be beneficial in diagnosing a potential mental disorder. For instance, depression-causing insomnia is linked to lower energy levels in the daytime and waking up very early in the morning. Sleep problems (such as nightmares) give rise to post-traumatic stress. Although it is normal to feel anxious occasionally, you should talk to a doctor if the problem persists.

Benefits of Quality Sleep

Better Concentration and Memory- Lack of sleep is closely associated with poor learning abilities and weak memory. In addition to this, getting a good night’s sleep helps in consolidating your experiences throughout the day and sharpens your memory.

It may also reduce the synapse size of your brain. As the unwanted information gets eliminated, learning something new becomes more convenient.

Boosts Mental Fitness- As discussed earlier, sleep has a lot to do with your emotions and mental health. Better sleep quality reduces the chances of mental health problems.

Improved Decision Making- It has been found that insomniac people are more impulsive with their decisions.

Eliminates Toxins from the Brain- Deep sleep improves the efficiency of your glymphatic system, eliminates brain waste, and lowers the chances of Alzheimer’s disease.

Health is Your Greatest Asset

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC is an advanced sleep clinic in OKC that helps in maximizing your sleep quality for a peaceful mind.

Our expert physicians take care of your problems and provide the best possible clinical care as per your need. Allow us to restore your well-being and energy levels.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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