Sore Throat- Is It Common Cold or a More Serious Infection?

Sore throats occur in children all the time. In most cases, it’s nothing to worry about. The symptoms are caused by common cold and don’t lead to major problems. The child will get better without any treatment. But sometimes a sore throat can be the sign of a health issue that may need serious medical attention.

But how can you identify and differentiate it from other common health problems? That’s why we have shared identifiers for when a sore throat becomes a matter of concern, and you need to take action as soon as possible. It would be best to you take your child to an expert pediatric ENT in Oklahoma considering that over-the-counter medications do not help him or her at all.

What Are the Symptoms of a Sore throat?

If your kid experiences a sore throat because of a common cold, then they are likely to have a cough, runny nose, and swollen ears along with tiredness, fever and poor appetite. But if you child experiences a sore throat because of a streptococcal infection, then you may notice swollen, red tonsils with rash and white spots. They may also experience stomach pain, fever, and vomiting.

What Is a Strep Throat?

It is a type of infection which occurs due to the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. Children from 5 to 15 years old suffer the most from this condition. It is common in winters and early spring. According to research, 20% to 30% of throat infections are caused by strep throat.

They may experience difficulty swallowing, fever, painful tonsils, sore throat among others. Runny nose and cough are not usually common symptoms of strep throat in kids. The symptoms of strep throat are similar to that of sore throat but in case they do get strep, take them to the pediatric ENT quickly. In that situation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic medicine for strep throat.

When Should You Take Your Kids to See a Doctor About a Sore Throat?

  • Is drooling more than usual

  • Can’t fully open his/her mouth

  • Has trouble breathing

  • Has a fever for no particular reason.

  • Refuses to drink or drinks much less than normal

  • if your child has a stiff neck

  • Your kid can’t sleep and stays awake at night

  • If the pain is severe.

Science has proven that even low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer which later contributes to cancer, cardiovascular diseases and other conditions. Therefore, if your child experiences a sore throat more frequently, take him or her to an experienced pediatric ENT at the earliest.

We Care for You

The bottom line is that you know what is best for your kid. If you notice that sore throat behavior outside the norm, you should visit an expert pediatric ENT in Oklahoma immediately. you may not be sure about the condition and that’s alright. Call us or schedule an appointment to know how we can help your child. Contact us at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC right now!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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