Test Your Skin and Get a Clear Idea of Your Allergies

Allergies are one of the most common conditions prevalent among Americans. You would be shocked to find the numbers if you look at the statistics (almost 50 million Americans deal with the disorder.) These allergies have the potential to take lives within a flash. That is why it is essential to provide care for allergy attacks.

But how will you ensure healing if you do not know about allergies? Fortunately, if you get allergy testing, you can quickly learn about these allergies ahead of time. But before that, you would have to contemplate the process.

About Allergy Testing Process

The most common allergy testing method is skin testing or skin prick testing. In this method, you can test up to 40 elements to determine whether you are allergic to them.

The process is straightforward; on a patch of your back, the medical professionals draw a grid that consists of several small squares. Afterward, the professionals insert a fine needle in every grid square and inject an allergen. Now you must wait 15 minutes to check if any reactions appear. How your skin reacts in every grid of square tells you if you are allergic to any allergen.

Finally, the skilled team at the allergy clinic analyze the reports from the skin prick test to determine how severe your allergies are in every element.

Different Types of Allergens

If you try to make a list, you will find an endless number of elements that could cause you harm. But you can categorize those allergens into three broader categories. Let us have a look at them.

Indoor Allergens

Indoor allergens are the stuff that you find inside your house. Common examples of these allergens include dust mites, mice dumplings, molds, fungi and cockroaches. All these elements can be extremely harmful to your body if you have an allergy. That is why it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Outdoor Allergens

There are also a bunch of allergens that you would find when you are outside of the house. The pollen from grass, wood, flowers, dust and mold spores are some of the most common outdoor allergens.

Food Allergens

Food allergens are specific food substances that cause a person’s body to react differently. Often, these allergens do not affect an average person’s body. But for people with allergies, even a droplet from those allergens can be lethal. Some of the most common food allergens include soy, egg, dairy products, peanuts, fish, and wheat. However, a person can be allergic to almost anything. Only proper allergy testing can tell you more about such situations.

All About Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates

Now that you know the best process for detecting your allergies, it is time to find route to reliable allergy testing in OKC. That is where Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, come into the picture. We are one of the best allergy clinics in OKC that have helped countless patients with their symptoms. We can address your issues too. Contact us for further details.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.