The Association Between High Risk of Sleep Apnea and Covid 19

Some studies suggest that people suffering from extreme obstructive sleep apnea are more prone to Covid-19. Opting for a good sleep clinic in Oklahoma is best to get yourself checked. It is already 2022, and there is no sign of the Covid pandemic slowing down anytime soon. The difference is that now we know a lot more about the virus than when it first started. The painstaking research about the virus is still ongoing, and not all findings are optimistic. Recent studies in OKC have also suggested that people who suffer from sleep-related hypoxia are at major risk for covid infection, hospitalization, and even death from the virus. Some scientist says that sleep apnea tends to happen to older people while they are more careful about masking, social distancing, and other pandemic-related behavior. The best option for them at this time is getting sleep apnea treatment.

Risks of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a severe disorder where you experience breathing interruptions while sleeping. It can be as few as 5 to potentially as many as 31 interruptions within an hour. Some of the health risks you might suffer from if you have sleep apnea are:

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Obesity

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Chronic pain

  • Sleep deprivation

Some people with sleep apnea stay undiagnosed and unaware they have the condition for a long time, which can worsen things. Sometimes it gets hard for doctors to treat other diseases like diabetes or hypertension until sleep apnea is diagnosed. A specialist from a sleep clinic can help you understand your problem and prescribe the correct remedy.

Increase Risk of Covid-19

A study took place in 2021 where participants with Covid-19 were surveyed, and it was seen that 8.5% of people have sleep apnea. Out of all those people, 2.9% were hospitalized- a higher hospitalization rate than the general population. People who suffered from sleep apnea were hospitalized for Covid-19 regardless of age, pre-existing condition, or BMI. Specialists from sleep apnea treatment clinics suggest patients first get checked for obstructive sleep apnea or OSA to reduce the risk of getting the virus.

CPAP Therapy and Covid-19

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP is the most common treatment that the specialist gives in all good sleep clinics. This therapy opens your airway with a continuous stream of air, allowing you to breathe freely while you sleep. This is done using a CPAP machine that can generate a constant stream of air, delivered through a headpiece that covers your nose. This kind of sleep apnea treatment can positively affect oxygenation and respiratory rate in most patients suffering from Covid-19.

Discuss Your Problems with a Sleep Specialist

If you are suffering from any kind of sleep disorder, you can contact a specialist from Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC. They have high experience in this field and can provide comprehensive examinations to determine your problems.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers