The Common Reasons of Snoring That You Should Not Ignore

Snoring is one of the most common problems that many of us deal with. While most of us do not want to agree that we snore, it is important to get snoring treatment. Even though snoring can be harmless, it can also be caused by some underlying problems. Hence, it is always a good idea to get checked when you are snoring so that you can stop it.

Let’s take look at the most common problems of snoring and how you can solve them.

Back Sleeping:

If your partner is complaining you about snoring, sleeping on your back might be the reason of your snoring. While sleeping on your back, you risk of making your tongue fall back because it becomes relaxed. As a result, your tongue blocks the airway. This causes you to snore.

The best snoring treatment for this problem is to change your sleeping position. You can practice sleeping on your sides. In case you are not being able to sleep in any other position, you can take help of some extra pillows. Use the pillows to raise your head a little above your body so that your tongue cannot block the airway.


Believe it or not, alcohol can be one of the leading causes of snoring. You might indulge in alcohol thinking that it will help you sleep better. But it can actually cause your muscles to relax to the extent when your tongue or throat muscles start blocking the airway.

The solution to this problem is to avoid indulging in alcohol right before your bedtime. If you want to have a couple of drinks, have it during the evening so that your body gets time to get the alcohol out of its system when you go to sleep.

Mouth Breathing:

Mouth breathing is yet another common issue that many of you may have experienced. But you may not have thought that mouth breathing can cause you to snore. Actually, when you breathe through your mouth, it can block the airway. Apart from that, it can also cause heart diseases and high blood pressure. So, you need to start getting a proper snoring treatment immediately if you are snoring because of mouth breathing.

Book Your Appointment:

You should not take snoring lightly and should get snoring treatment done no matter what the reason is. Book your appointment with our otolaryngologist at OKOA and start your treatment today. Our experienced doctors will guide you in managing the problem and thus, stopping your snoring issues.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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