Speech Delays in Children: What you Need to Know

Although kids can learn at a faster pace in shorter periods, most parents are likely to feel worried about their speech delays. This brings the need to visit a well-known pediatrics ENT in Oklahoma.

The Best Time for Evaluation

Several factors need to be considered by the parents when deciding whether the language development issues in their children are prevalent or not.

Some of the most important factors include:

  • Repeating the same set of words over and over again.

  • Facing difficulty in communicating the requirements with the language.

  • Even the simplest instructions are hard to follow.

  • Repetition of several sounds.

  • Raspy or nasal voice.

  • Cannot understand the language properly.

  • Hardly pronounces any phrase or word.

Determining the Cause of the Problem

Various factors contribute to the development of a child's speech and language.

These problems may indicate:

  • Neurological Disorders

  • Inability to learn

  • Painful brain injuries

  • Loss of hearing

  • Premature birth

  • Environmental factors

  • Disorders in auditory processing

Most children get diagnosed with hypo nasal and hyper nasal speech disorders. In these conditions, problems can be seen in the regulation of air used by the kid during the production of speech.

Recognizing the Speech Delay Issues

It is common for a child to start recognizing a few familiar sounds such as a mother's voice or nursery rhymes.

As they start growing, the babbling sounds get transformed into the formation of real phrases and words.

Usually, children attempt to speak their first phrase as they reach one year of age.

By the time they turn 2, a few more words get added to their vocabulary.

And when they turn 4, they will start having some simple conversations with you.

It becomes a matter of concern when the progress of your kid begins to stop all of a sudden for a certain period. This is when an experienced pediatrics ENT in Oklahoma needs to be consulted.

Understanding the Underlying Cause

A hearing issue is one of the major reasons behind speech delays in children.

This is mainly caused by an underlying ear infection.

While suffering from middle ear infections, hearing sounds distinct is often prevented by the fluids in their ears.

As this problem continues, the child's speaking ability gets hindered, making it harder to produce simple speeches.

If this occurs regularly, ENT specialists can put grommets into the ears of your child to eliminate the possibility of long-term speech delays.

In most cases, a significant improvement can be noticed shortly after inserting the grommets.

Keeping Pediatric Issues at Bay

Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC has the best team of pediatrics ENT in Oklahoma to treat ear infections and return your child to his/her best days of playfulness.

Learn about our exceptional pediatric services by scheduling your visit with us.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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