When You May Need Nose Septum Surgery?


The perforation of the nasal septum is a medical condition in which a hole or fissure develops on the cartilage membrane which divides the nose. Perforated nasal septum can cause nasal blockage, mucus release, nasal crusts and frequent nosebleeds, and other annoying symptoms. This is usually a result of nasal surgeries beforehand. Not because of bad practice but because the manipulation of the nasal septum is one of the risks. Additional common causes in people with repeated nosebleeds, including trauma or nasal packing’s on the nasal septum are common. For frequent problems arising, you may need nose septum surgery.

Other Causes

The systemic diseases which cause inflammation of the nose and sinuses, which eventually affect the blood circulation of the nasal septum, cause tissue loss, are less frequent causes of nasal septum perforation. It is also strongly linked to the use of toxic components like cocaine, which causes direct harm to the nasal mucosa and also contains antibodies that attack the nasal vessels.


The nasal septum perforations are usually asymptomatic, but they can sometimes significantly impair the quality of life.

The symptoms are typical:

  • Nasal blockage

  • Crusts and Mucus formation

  • Nosebleeds

  • Whistles


Perforated septum symptoms vary between people. The symptoms often depend on the size of the septum hole. These can be divided into:

  • Smaller (less than 1 cm)

  • Medium (1 to 2 cm)

  • Wide (over 2 cm)

The size of the perforation can be measured by a doctor.

Perforated septum may never be known to you. There's no sign of many people. The severity of the symptoms may vary by:

  • Wheezing

  • Nose crust

  • Nose scabbing

  • Nosebleed

  • Runny nose

  • Headache

  • Pain in nose

The Causes

For many different reasons, a perforated septum may occur.

A perforated septum has several causes:

  • Earlier nose operation

  • Trauma, such as a broken nose

  • intranasal spray

  • Use of cocaine

  • specific chemotherapy types

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • some infections

If you work with specific chemicals, such as mercury fulminate, arsenic, cement and those used in chromium placing, you may also be more at risk to perforated septum.

You can minimize your risk of perforated septum or nose septum surgery by working in these environments:

  • Change of chemical use habits

  • Reduction of chromic acid mist use

  • Use of the right equipment for protection

  • Good hygiene practices

Visit us at OKOA for nasal surgery, treatment and more. Consult our ENT specialists for treatment. We do have pediatric ENT specialist if your child shows any related issues.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.