Xerostomia (zeer-o-STOE-me-uh), or dry mouth, is caused when the salivary glands don’t create enough saliva to properly lubricate the mouth. This can be caused by aging, medication and cancer treatment involving radiation. Dry mouth can range from a minor inconvenience to a major issue that can affect your appetite and the health of your teeth and gums, as well as your general overall health.

Saliva is a necessary and helpful feature of the body. It washes away particles of food, limiting the growth of bacteria, which helps to stop tooth decay. It makes the process of chewing and swallowing easier and increases taste. Digestion is also assisted by the enzymes found in saliva. If you’re experiencing symptoms of dry mouth, contact OOA today.


If you’re experiencing any of the following indicators of a lack of saliva, either frequently or constantly, you may have dry mouth:

Dryness or sticky feeling in your mouth
Thick and stringy saliva
Frequent Thirst
Bad breath
Difficulty chewing, speaking and swallowing
Dry or sore throat and hoarseness
Dry nasal passages
Burning or tingling sensation in the mouth and tongue
Dry or grooved tongue
A changed sense of taste
Problems wearing dentures

If you're experiencing any signs and symptoms of dry mouth, make an appointment with us today.



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