Nose Bump & Deviated Septum- Are These Same?

Have you noticed a bump on your nose? Do you think deviated septum and nose bump are same? Are you wondering how to fix your deviated septum? You might have so many questions regarding your nose septum surgery. You can get in touch with your plastic surgeon to know how a deviated septum is different from a nose bump. However, here is a detailed discussion on deviated septum compared to a bump on your nose that you can read and find out the basic differences that you should know.

Can You Fix Deviated Septum and Nose Bump Together?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can. You can have a rhinoplasty and fix your deviated septum along with the nose bump all together. In fact, your plastic surgeon will tell you that you do need to get rid of any bump on your nose to fix the deviated septum that you have. The bump that you see on your nose is made of the cartilage and bone.

The Reason of A Bump on The Nose:

A nose septum surgery will help you remove the elevation that shows on the top of your nose. You may have been born with a bump on your nose or you may have had it after the cartilage on your nose has been fractured.

A Deviated Septum:

Now, when you have a bump on your nose, the lower part of the bump is attached to the cartilage. Actually, it is made of septal cartilage. If you find your nose looks crooked or is not in the center, it might be because you have a deviated septum.

It is also possible that you have been involved in an accident that has caused your nasal bone to be fractured. And the fractured bone can make your nose deviated.

Why Do You Need to Remove the Bump To Treat Deviated Septum?

Since your deviated septum can be caused by the bump on your nose, you need to remove the bump when you are getting a nose septum surgery. Septoplasty is the process that your plastic surgeon will follow to fix the crooked nose.

Septoplasty is not the same as rhinoplasty, which is removing the bump of the nose. However, you will require almost similar time to recover from the surgery since both the surgeries involve creating an incision on the bone of the nose.

Are You Planning to Get a Nose Surgery?

Whether fixing a nose bump or a deviated nose, you can get in touch with Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC for any type of nose septum surgery.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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